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Slice Example Page

With the slice based design you will be able to add slices of content to your pages and products to best display and describe your business. The base package includes the following slices

  • 1 Column: just like this one, an column of text content running all the way across the page
  • 2 Column: splits the slice into two even columns and enables you to edit each column independently
  • 3 Column: splits the slice into three even columns and enables you to edit each column independently
  • 4 Column: splits the slice into four even columns and enables you to edit each column independently
  • Parallax
  • Slider Full WIdth
  • Accordion
  • Slider

Whilst the 1, 2, 3 & four column slices are obvious the others need demonstration.

Slider Full Width

The full width slider takes an image and puts it across the fill width of the page. The image at the top of this page is a full-width slider. In this case we have used just one image to make a static banner, If you add more than one image they will form a Slide show.



The ordinary slider is, functionally, the same as the full width slider it just puts the image to the width of the content. The slice below this one is a plain slider with a couple of images in it.


You'll have seen these fancy image slices on sites you just might not have known what they are called. The slice below is a parallax slice.

Ecommerce Uk

You can pop content on top of a Parallax slice just like an ordinary 1 column.


These are like fancy bullet lists on steroids

Fancy Feature One

Here you can provide a longer description of fancy feature one and even add images and other formatting

  • Drive home one point
  • Drive home another point
Fancy Feature Two

Not only do your get the fabulous feature one BUT you also get feature two!


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