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Brilliant Book of Our Times workshop begins

Gill Stokes introduces a new workshop that will help to create individual books for those taking part.

Today marked the first of a series of online workshops where participants recount their life stories over a number of weeks.  We decided to start at the very beginning with childhood reminiscences today and what some illuminating memories, experiences and photographs our group shared.  It turned out that many of our favourite memories of childhood are remarkably similar!  Simple pleasures such as being outdoors on our bikes, seaside holidays, bonfire night, outdoor games, Saturday morning cinema and visits to the funfair formed abiding memories for us all. 

Next week we plan to chat about our working lives and after that we’ll be discussing significant events, people and places in our lives, our social activities and interests, and later life. 

Those participating are collecting together some personal photographs and other memorabilia to share with the group as we chat with one another via Zoom (where we can also see each other on the computer screen) and in due course, with the help of the memories we have talked about,  we will be compiling a unique ‘Book of Our Times’ to tell our stories.  

If you are interested to learn more, please contact the YPWD office for details by emailing


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